" " " " Open Swine

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Open Swine

Entry Information

Entry Deadline: August 29th

Entry Fee - $8.00 per head (no additional charge for group classes)

Weigh In

Weigh-in Sept 5th 8:00 am - 10:00 am

Animals will only be weighed once.

Arrival & Release Schedule

Arrival Release
Open Swine Sept 4th
6 to 8 pm
Sept 8th
after 9 pm

Judging Schedule

Saturday, Sept 7th 9:00 am Open Swine Show

Special Rules

Exhibitors are required to read and abide by the General Rules, Health Regulations, and Livestock General Rules.

1. LATE ENTRIES may be accepted if space permits. If accepted, late entries will be charged double entry charge. Late entries will not be accepted after Sept 4TH.
2.This show is for non-domesticated hogs
3. Hogs that participate in the Open Show are not eligible for the 4-H & FFA Market Hog show.
4. Animals with fresh earmarks will be disqualified from showing.
5. In order to have a separate breed class, there must be a minimum representation of 2 exhibitors, not from the same farm or family, and a minimum of 16 hogs per breed. Breeds not having sufficient numbers will be lumped in an All Purebred class. Each lot will have a minimum of 2 exhibitors represented. If this minimum is not met, lots will be combined.
8. Only 2 premiums will be paid to 1 exhibiting farm per lot.
9. Pigs must be washed before arriving at Fairpark.

11. Exhibitor must provide their own watering devices for animals.

Premiums & Awards

Utah State Fair Pays:

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
$45 $40 $35 $30 $25 $20 $10 $10 $10 $10

Ribbons will also be awarded.

Special Awards

1. Grand Champion Barrow over all breeds - Trophy
2. Reserve Champion Barrow over all breeds - Trophy
3. Grand Champion Gilt over all breeds - Trophy
4. Reserve Champion Gilt over all breeds - Trophy
5. Grand Champion Pen of 3 Barrows over all breeds - Rosette
6. Reserve Champion Pen of 3 Barrows over all breeds - Rosette
7. Grand Champion Pen of 3 Gilts over all breeds - Rosette
8. Reserve Champion Pen of 3 Gilts over all breeds - Rosette

9. Truckload - one pen per farm, 6 animals any breed, at least 2
gilts and at least 2 barrows.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
$80 $70 $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 $10

10. Biggest Boar Exhibit - One exhibitor will be invited to bring in a big boar. Premium for the Boar Exhibit - $150

Market Class

Barrows - castrated male, minimum weight 225 lbs
Gilts - female that has not farrowed, minimum weight 225 - max 300 lbs

Class BE - Berkshire
Class CR - Crossbred
Class DU - Duroc
Class HA - Hampshire
Class LA - Landrace
Class OP - Optional All Purebred
Class SP - Spot
Class YO - Yorkshire

NOTE: If there is more than 30 head entered in the Crossbred class, management reserves the right to split into lots as it deems necessary.

Lot No.
1. Light Weight Barrows
2. Heavy Weight Barrows
5. Pen of 3 Barrows (1 pen per farm in each breed class)
6. Light Weight Gilts
7. Heavy Weight Gilts
10. Pen of 3 Gilts (1 pen per farm in each breed class)

Lots may be subdivided into lots of equal numbers if entries warrant. Minimum of 6 hogs must be entered in lot to be split.

Sow Class

Class SBR - Sow Breeder

Any female hog of any breed that has had a litter is eligible to show.

Lot No.
1. Light Weight Sow
2. Heavy Weight Sow
3. Grand Champion Sow - Trophy
4. Reserve Champion Sow - Trophy

Feeder Pig Class

Class FP - Feeder Pig

Feeder class consists of either gender hog, minimum weight 100 lbs, max weight 225 lbs.

Lot No.
1. Light Weight Feeder
2. Heavy Weight Feeder
3. Grand Champion Feeder
4. Reserve Champion Feeder
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