- The Judges are instructed not to award premiums unless the entries are deemed worthy of merit. If any entry is not worthy of the first premium, the Judges may award second and third or no premium, according to their judgment.
- Supervisors, Horticulture staff and Judges may enter items for display only.
- Premiums will be paid as indicated, unless specified otherwise.
- If an item is entered into the wrong class the Judges may move it to the correct class for judging.
- Judges' decisions are final.
- All judging will be closed to the public.
Exhibits must be from this year’s crop. It is important that fruit specimens be handled carefully by the exhibitor and the judge to prevent bruising and damage. Fruit should not be polished but washed and wiped free of dust or residue before judging. Use these criteria when judging:
• Condition: Condition of fruit is most important. Exhibits should not be misshapen or damaged by insects, disease, or mechanical handling. Fruit should be clean, but not polished.
• Uniformity: All fruit should be of a similar size, color, shape, and maturity. Stems should be intact. There should be no leaves or foliage attached to the fruit.
• Color: All fruit should be free of blemishes and have a good color, typical of the variety.
• Size: The best size is medium – not too large or too small.
• Trueness to Variety: The fruit should be true to the variety in size and color.